


Classes meet in person on campus; specific days/times/location
Classes meet fully online; no specific days/times/locations
Classes meet via Zoom or other resource; specific days/times
混合型-在线异步 & 在线同步(缩放)
A portion of the classes meet synchronous via Zoom or other resource and a portion is asynchronous online; there will be some specific days/times
混合型-网上 & 面对面
A portion of the classes meet in person on campus and a portion is asynchronous or synchronous online; there will be some specific days/times/locations
混合型-在线异步 & 在人
Classes meet in both asynchronous online and in-person modes; specific meeting times and locations for in-person portions of classes are listed with each course
混合-在线同步(缩放) & 在人
Classes meet in both synchronous online (Zoom) and in-person modes; specific meeting times and locations are listed with each course
结合在线和面对面的教学. 学生可参加 不同的方式:在线-同步, 在线-异步, 面对面的, or as a flexible learner (student has a degree of choice as to how they participate each week).
Flex courses may provide students with the opportunity to meet in-person on campus, on the synchronous days and times already scheduled, if 条件允许.
估算credits are developmental courses for students who need to prepare 大学水平的工作. 它们被计入经济援助 requirements but do not count toward earned college credits or GPA.
Classes are taught live from one campus location and broadcast to one or 更多的校园地点. 所有地点都有摄像头和麦克风 允许教师和学习者互相看到和交谈.
核心概念- 4300
法1540年 – 1 credits
蒂娜年代. Sardo

Students will learn that Core Concepts is an easy-to-follow workout that will increase strength as an alternative to a weight room workout. It will address core strength, muscle endurance, range of motion and joint stability. Students who complete a core-training workout regularly will help reduce the risk of injury and enhance athletic performance in most sports. 本课程将包括地板作业的使用, 手的重量, 稳定球, 药球, 还有橡胶管, 以及其他设备. 没有必要. J春天. 院校课程大纲

— 十大外围足彩网站app
10月1日- 11月5日 星期二,星期四 下午1:30 - 2:45
有氧运动入门- 4301
法1610年 – 1 credits
蒂娜年代. Sardo

学生将展示灵活性, 肌肉力量, 肌肉耐力, and cardiovascular exercises continuously for a 30-minute period accompanied by popular music. Students are instructed in proper pulse monitoring techniques and are responsible for maintaining heart rates within their target heart rate zone. Exercise sessions will include a warm-up period and cool-down periods. 没有必要. 秋天,春天. 院校课程大纲

— 十大外围足彩网站app
11月7日- 12月20日 星期二,星期四 下午1:30 - 2:45
篮球基础- 4306
法1650年 – 1 credits
乔治·E. Sisson

Students will learn offensive and defensive fundamentals through drill work with an emphasis on shooting the basketball. The course is taught in a team type of atmosphere and structured to meet the needs and capabilities of the competitive as well as the beginning student. 没有必要. 秋天,春天. 院校课程大纲

— 十大外围足彩网站app
8月26日- 9月30日 星期一、三、五 下午3:00 - 3:50
步行健康- 4305
法1780年 – 1 credits
阿什利·D. 隆德

Students will be introduced to topics that educate and encourage students to begin and maintain a safe and effective walking program. The course will encompass concepts and activities that will advance the understanding of the relationship between lifelong physical activities and overall well-being. 没有必要. 秋天,春天. 院校课程大纲

— 十大外围足彩网站app
费用:$ 15
8月26日- 10月23日 Mon, Wed 上午9:30 - 10:45
有氧搏击- 4302
法1790年 – 1 credits
蒂娜年代. Sardo

Cardio kickboxing is an exercise program comprised of general conditioning exercises for body conditioning and fitness. The course will cover kickboxing moves in an aerobic setting. Students will learn to throw basic kicks and punches with proper form and technique. A warm-up, aerobic portion, drills, cool down, and stretch and relaxation are included in the class. 没有必要. 我偶尔. 院校课程大纲

— 十大外围足彩网站app
8月27日- 9月30日 星期二,星期四 下午1:30 - 2:45
为健康和健身跑步- 4323
法1800年 – 1 credits
阿什利·D. 隆德

Students will explore the aspects and benefits of running in relation to overall achievement of personal wellness. The course will help students gain a greater awareness of their potential by developing a higher level of physical fitness and nutritional awareness. 没有必要. J春天. 院校课程大纲

— 十大外围足彩网站app
10月28日- 12月18日 Mon, Wed 上午9:30 - 10:45
助理教练实习- 5060
法2010年 – 3 credits
雅各T. Hordych

Students receive on-the-job experience consisting of 135 hours of supervised activity in a local educational, 休闲, 或者运行状况设置. Students work in conjunction with a faculty mentor and a supervisor at the job site. All guidelines in the original college internship policy will be followed. Prerequisite: completion of at least 12 college-level credits with a GPA of 2.0或更高. 我偶尔; C occasionally. 院校课程大纲

— 十大外围足彩网站app
8月26日- 12月18日 TBD
执法体育教育- 4562
法2460年 – 2 credits
雷切尔L. Waid

Designed specifically for the basic recruit school trainee, this course emphasizes weight training and fitness for life. Students are required to complete successfully various exercises which include timed running, 仰卧起坐, 俯卧撑, 游泳, and maintaining a measured progress throughout the semester. Also studies the need for fitness and the ideal of daily exercise. Corequisites: CRI 2250, CRI 2380, CRI 2470, and compliance with NYS regulations. 院校课程大纲

— 十大外围足彩网站app
8月26日- 12月20日 星期一、二、三、四、五 下午1时至4时
运动营养- 4298
法2880年 – 3 credits
蒂娜年代. Sardo

Students will develop a thorough understanding of the role nutrition plays in enhancing one's fitness and sport performance. The effect nutrition has on health promotion and disease prevention is emphasized through current research and practical activities. 没有必要. 我偶尔. 院校课程大纲

— 十大外围足彩网站app
8月27日- 12月20日 星期二,星期四 上午11:00 -下午12:15
强度 & 调理粉底- 4297
法7033年 – 3 credits
查尔斯·R. Jambliter

Students will understand the fundamentals of strength and conditioning as it relates to athletes across a wide variety of ages, 水平, 和能力. This course will introduce students to topics such as muscle anatomy and function, 新陈代谢, 生物力学, 营养及其他. Upon completion of this course, students will earn their NFHS 强度 and Conditioning Certificate. This certificate is a requirement for the AIC Level 1 Coaching License. 没有必要. 院校课程大纲

— 十大外围足彩网站app
8月27日- 12月20日 星期二,星期四 上午9:30 - 10:45